JD Implants

JD Implants

JD dental implants attest to exceptional quality and innovations in modern dental medicine. Made with precision and using the latest materials, JD implants are designed to seamlessly integrate into the jawbone, ensuring stability and durability.

  • What sets JD dental implants apart is their commitment to biocompatible material, encouraging the natural acceptance of the implant by the body. This not only improves the success of the procedure but also contributes to the overall function of the patient.

    With a focus on research and development, JD implants continue to evolve, incorporating the latest advancements to provide patients with the best possible solutions.

    By choosing JD dental implants, you are choosing the path to a confident smile and a lasting solution for oral health, supported by a brand synonymous with excellence.

    Bicon Short Implants

    Bicon short implants offer solutions in situations where it is impossible to place conventional implants due to a lack of bone volume. 

    The unique concept of this system allows the placement of implants as small as 5mm, avoiding surgical risks of damaging surrounding structures and eliminating the need for extensive bone augmentation or sinus lifting. The surgical procedure is also different.

    The preparation of the implant site occurs at low speeds, allowing the surgeon to preserve autologous bone that can be used as a graft. Depending on the patient's bone quality, two types of implants with differently treated surfaces are chosen. 

    Implant surfaces feature grooves and projections that create a larger area between bone and implant, contributing to osteoconductive effects and the development of better quality bone. The spherical shape of the implant, different groove designs, tilted implant neck, and hemispherical superstructures contribute to the long-term formation of new bone around the implant.

    The implant and abutment are connected by an extremely precise conical connection of only 1.5 degrees, avoiding the use of screws and potential problems they might bring, simplifying the entire process of making replacements for both the dentist and the dental technician. This precise connection prevents bacteria from penetrating around the implant, thereby prolonging its lifespan, avoiding the onset of peri-implantitis. The effectiveness of these implants has been monitored for 38 years.



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