Tooth Treatment

Tooth Treatment

This procedure involves removing the infected or damaged inner part of the tooth, known as the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels.

  • The space that is emptied is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and sealed with a special material to prevent further infection. By addressing the problem "at the root," root canal treatment aims to alleviate pain, restore function, and prevent the need for tooth extraction.

    Endodontic procedures include:

    • Medical history and diagnosis
    • X-ray imaging and determination of morphological characteristics, presence of previous fillings, existence of pathological processes
    • Determination of procedure complexity

    After root canal treatment, the canals are filled with bioceramic fillings that are non-toxic. Finding all root canals in a tooth is imperative in endodontics, which is not always easy because their number varies.

    As we keep up with the times, computer-guided endodontics is also practiced in our clinic, visualizing each root canal, further speeding up endodontic treatment.



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